FAQFrequently Asked Questions



  • QAre the items in the TENGA 3D series reusable?

    Yes! With proper washing and care, the 3D series items are reusable.
    For general usage, it can reused about 50 times. It is recommended to be paired with the HOLE LOTION series.
    ※Please note that product durability may vary.

  • QAre the items in the 3D Series electronic?

    The 3D series are not electronic and may be enjoyed manually.

  • QDoes the 3D series come with complimentary lubricants?

    The items in the 3D series all include a sample of TENGA HOLE LOTION [REAL].
    We recommend using TENGA HOLE LOTION for further uses
    ※Other LOTION series can be used. Please choose according to your own preferences.

  • QHow should I lubricate the 3D?

    Lubricate both inside the 3D (once inverted, with the details on the inside) and around the insertion point to allow for smooth entry. 

  • QWhat is this black plastic disk that was inside the 3D when I opened it?

    This black plastic disk is a Transport Anchor, and is inside the package for shipping purposes. Please dispose of it after opening, as well as the white polystyrene wrapped around the Stand inside the 3D.

  • QHow should I wash the 3D series?

    ~Cleaning method~
    Invert the 3D so the design is facing outward and wash under running lukewarm water.
    ※Water over 50 °C might cause the soft inside part to degrade. Please avoid washing with water with high temperatures.
    ※Water over 50 °C might cause the soft inside part to degrade. Please avoid washing with water with high temperatures.

    ~Drying method~
    Dry off with a towel. Place the 3D, with the design facing outward, halfway down on the Stand to air dry.
    ※Please ensure the product is completely clean and dry before storing to help avoid mold and other build-up.

    ~Storage method~
    Once completely dry, push 3D all the way down the Stand and replace the Cover for storage. Avoid direct sunlight.

  • QCan I use the reverse side of the 3D?

    Please do not use the reverse side as it is not designed for this purpose.

  • QCan I cool the 3D in the refrigerator before use?

    Both refrigeration and freezing of the product are causes of degradation of the product, so please do not cool the product. Store at room temperature.

  • QWhen I opened my 3D, there was white powder around the product – is it defective?

    This is just powder finish of the product exterior, and has no effect on the quality of the product.

  • QWhat is different about each item in the 3D series?

    As the TENGA 3D is inverted upon use, each different design creates a different sensation. Please choose the one which most suits you.

  • QHow should I use the Tray?

    The Tray is designed to temporarily hold the 3D immediately after use to free your hands for cleanup, particularly wiping any excess lubricant from your body.

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