TENGA Co., Ltd. Privacy Notice

TENGA Co., Ltd. are committed to respecting your privacy, and are aware of the importance of safely storing, and respecting the opinions towards how We should use our customer’s personal information.
 Our personal information handling practices are outlined below. We are always concerned for the safety and ways of handling the personal information our customers provide.

Handling of your personal information

(Protecting the Law)

1.We declare to abide by all laws pertaining the safe handling and protection of all personal information (anything that may be considered as something to personally identify a customer).

(Gathering of personal information)

2.We do our utmost to inform the user of the aim of use, other users of, and a contact option before obtaining a piece of information from a customer with his/her consent. Please note we may sometimes record contact or transactions made with us.

(Use only within defined boundaries)

3.We, declare only to use with consent from the customer, their personal information within the following set boundaries, unless un-avoidable by the law.

  • (1)For use in promotional purposes such as information, catalogues and direct mail about our products and services.
  • (2)For use in delivery of products and/or services.
  • (3)For use in advising or directing a customer to a retailer or a form of support.
  • (4)For use in providing protection and support.
  • (5)For use in informing a customer of an event and/or campaign.
  • (6)To take polls or select random winners for campaigns.
  • (7)For the use in research to analyze data for better products and/or services.
  • (8)For the settlement of contracts.

(Safety precautions)

4.We declare – within the boundaries of our use of customers’ personal information – to keep up to date, and to prevent fraudulant access to, leakage of, falsification or alteration of, loss or damages to, the personal information you provide, with necessary and proper safety precautions, that are kept up to date continuously.

(The upkeep and improvement of organizational structure)

5.We declare to upkeep the structure of the organization and – for the purposes of safely handling your personal information – to place a person in charge of controlling and managing personal information, as well as train our staff and place necessary protection.

(Our management of entrustees)

6.We manage the third parties whom we entrust your personal information with – for reasons within the boundaries set to achieve said goal – through thorough security and a strict selection process, and have them sign a contract and be under our constant, necessary supervision.

(Provision of information to Third-Parties)

7.We declare to never – without your approval – pass on any personal information to any third party, unless unavoidable by law.

(Dealing with Comments and Inquiries)

8.We deal fully and completely with the law in concerns to any inquiries regarding the showing, correction, cease of usage (products and services), and deletion of personal information.
