TENGA Inventor Interview vol.05The Future of TENGA

The number of fans of TENGA is ever-growing – do you have a message for your fans on how to use TENGA? Like some guys watch porn while masturbating, others use it as foreplay…?

“Everyone is free to use the products as they wish, with no shame.”

KM: This is one of the concepts that I have always upheld. Any person, regardless of their sexuality and lifestyle, should be able to use the products freely. I want them to enjoy it, feel good about it, and have fun with it; that’s all I want my products to be. We did think at the time of developing the options on “how” it should be used, but actually, that is completely up to the user.

What are your plans for the future of the brand?

KM: In-keeping with creating products for all to enjoy, we launched the “iroha” brand for women (http://iroha-tenga.com/) and have a line of couple’s items for healthier, happier sexual relations in partnered and married couples! I want to also care for the elderly – sexuality is still taboo for a lot of older generations but I want them to be able to enjoy their sexuality. I want to keep challenging the boundaries so that one day, sexuality is something everyone can enjoy without shame. There’s of course still a lot of work to be done with the public image of masturbation for men too, with global markets still only just warming up to the idea. Many societies view masturbation as a last resort of the lonely, when it simply is not. In the west, female sexuality has become a lot more open in recent years so I hope we can be a driving force in making male sexuality more accessible, away from taboos and repression for a healthier control of sexual appetite.

How do you feel about changing the negative mentality of male masturbation?

KM: Regardless of use of sex toys, the majority of men have masturbated at least once. Honestly speaking, it’s a natural human need. I am sure that most of males do think like this and there is nothing good in holding yourself back. It leads to detrimental mental effects from repressing a human need. Proper education on the matter and a controlled sexual appetite lead to health. Therefore, no one should feel ashamed or feel guilty for masturbating. I just have a dream that TENGA will be a brand that is loved anywhere in the world.

Will you be creating more “pleasure products”? Or will you be biting in to other fields.

KM: I’d love to create things besides pleasure products. If I were to find out that there is something I can do to make kids happy then I will make it. But at the end of the day, I just want to make products that are fun and useful.

The attitude of the company is very simple; it’s “To make innovative products that are high quality and to maintain the best communication with costumers”. With these words at heart, I will continue to introduce and focus on products that all can enjoy.

Thank you very much.

The Successful Launch